215 Derby St. Salem, MA 01970 | Get Directions | Visit Brodie's on Facebook
(978) 594-8490
Open 7 days a week: 12pm to 1am
Kitchen hours: 7 days a week: 12pm-10pm
215 Derby St. Salem, MA 01970

Latest Past Events

Black Hat Project

Brodies Seaport 215 Derby St., Salem

County, blues and rock from Ronnie "Black Hat" Deschenes Guitar/ Banjo/ Harps Michael Mac Iver Guitar / Slide Guitar / Harp K.T.D. Vocals Patsy Bugden Bass Lynda Beaulieu Drums / Percussion "Reverand" John Lannen/ Congas/ Bongos Check out Black Hat Project's FB page

The Bordellos

Brodies Seaport 215 Derby St., Salem

Culled from various North Shore rock & roll acts, The Bordellos came together out of a mutual appreciation for outlaw country music. Beginning with Cash, Haggard and Jennings and following it through to Clark, Van Zandt, Earle, John Hiatt, Whiskeytown, Son Volt and Wilco, they embrace real country and the smoky, beer soaked backrooms it came out of. The Bordellos on Facebook

Boston Pub Rockers

Brodies Seaport 215 Derby St., Salem

The Boston Pub Rockers play Classic Rock, Southern Rock, Blues and Country covers at Brodies